Sunday, July 22, 2007

more then 1 week has passed since friday the 13th, yet i find that my unlucky streak has just begun last friday. Firstly, as i was going home after tuition on my bike, my basket's harness snapped. Then on sunday, as i was on my way back also on my bike, a small black UFO hit me right smack on the area between my eyes, and now it is swollen. Damn it.

Now, away from that. It has been so long since i last blogged, as i felt no mood to do so. Now, first, some updates.

Firstly, on thursday, we had the celebration for racial harmony day. AS usual, I helped out in the control room with samuel as we handled the AV equipment. Even though i like it there, i hate the uncooperative people who are there. Some of do not even know how to work the stuff there! i was like, you guys are official people, yet, you guys do not know these stuff. Anyway, so we went on to prepare the concert. There was like so much on the list. There were slides, and videos, and lighting, as well as stage performances going on like simultaniously. the one thing i hated the most was the fact that we were screwed as it was going on, all because the teachers wanted to take a video, and they cannot see the faces of the dancers. Well, there is only one reason why this is so:

The school is so budget that they did not provide enough to the AV people.

thats the statement.

For example, the sennheiser(hope i got that right) mike was damaged, yet it wasnt replaced. There were a few old mikes yet no new ones were bought. Furthermore, one of the spotlights have blown, and one of the stage lights as well, yet no bulbs were purchased to replace them

thats the example.

so, due to limited funding, we were unable to provide a good performance for the spectators. And yet, we were chatised for what happened. Well, they cannot really blame us. There was only 1 rehersal prior to that, and it was not the full scale. so, the fault cannot be put on us.

Thats the racial harmony ceremony, or what i am willing to disclose.

After that, the next day was a racial harmony bazaar, which a couple of lame and funny things happened. For example a stall named smack that, which involved throwing flour at someone. yet, when they had to clean up, they had no idea how to wash it properly, and used tissue to wipe a whole puddle. The PSG were great though, they were very friendly and made me feel that it was indeed the best stall there.

The movie bend it like beckham was very hilarious indeed, but one thing i hated was racist humour.

i guess that is all for now, i have to go on with my homework now. Till next time,


posted at 2:23 AM

Your Trial To Understand

You Shall Never Understand


Dear Humanity, We regret bring alien bastards,

We regret coming to Earth,

And We most definitely regret the corps just blew up our raggedy ass fleet! (HALO 2, Sergeant Johnson)

To Be, or Not To Be, that is the question

If I had my way, I Would Write the word INSURANCE on the door of every cottage and in the botting book of every common man for I am convinced for such a small and inconciveable effort, families can be better proteced against the harsh reality of a major disaster, if were it not for insurance, would have destroyed them forever.(Winston Churnchill)


X box 360
Better computer, with 8 GB ram, 4.00< GHz processor, excellent graphic card
Stronger Health
More knowledge into current affairs
Peace in the world
Credit Cards



January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007


Daniel Seoh
Shu Feng
Ting Hui
Wei Quan
Wing Ki



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